PERSONAL: Frame it!

frame your photos 2 | ©THE VIEWFINDER

“..even more professional..”

I’ve taken so many photo’s since I started the blog and even before that, but never really framed one. So I decided to frame two photographs (see picture above), because I still had two empty frames hanging above my working desk. Since the moment that I decided to frame some I searched for the suitable shots, which represent my street style and street photography activities. The right one has never been published on the blog by the way, because I saved it especially for this frame.

It may sound cliche but framing your photographs is so Continue reading “PERSONAL: Frame it!”

PERSONAL: Could this be my next pen?

my next pen

“Pressure sensitive …just what I need”

I often do illustration on the go with my iPad and with this awesome pen it would be even greater to do so …still doubting between this one or a larger pen tablet?